
Being Handicapped

I don't know about you but I sometimes feel really horrified by the idea of being handicapped in any way. I sometimes get these thoughts of losing my eyes, or maybe losing a hand or two. But I put away these thoughts and carry on to live normally. When you hear stories of people surviving an accident but losing something, or randomly find a needy beggar on the road, or maybe on television, or maybe someone in your class you may for a second put yourself there, feel a fraction of the pain they are going through and come back to present to thank God for everything. But ironically the handicapped are not so handicapped as the people who are privileged. The thing I really regret in my life is that although I paid attention in class when teacher was explaining something I never used to put up questions no matter how hard I wanted to ask. I for no reason felt so insecure in asking questions. I used to ask myself " Is your question really that good?", "You just wanna